207 Search results

For the term "Egypt".

Israel, Don’t Trust Turkey

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Rumors are circulating that an Israeli-Turkish rapprochement might occur soon. Jerusalem and other regional capitals should not fall yet again for Ankara’s deceptions. In recent weeks, Turkey has found itself greatly isolated...

End of the Qatar Crisis

On the eve of GCC summit, President Trump dispatched his son-in-law and senior advisor to the Middle East, Jared Kushner to the signing ceremony of normalisation of Qatar crisis. This is one of the...

China’s Vaccine Strategy

As several vaccine makers worldwide are publishing preliminary data showing efficacy rates of 90 percent and higher, China too has been busy with producing a vaccine. How precise this vaccine is remains to be...

How to Approach the Muslim Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood Controversy The Trump administration continues to ruminate over the status of the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization, which sparks a major debate between government officials. When Egyptian President Abdel...

The invisible hand of Russia

Introduction In recent years, Russia has taken the practice of using private military companies to a new level, demonstrating that they can carry out offensive missions and actually form the occupying army’s backbone. Russia...