The Kootneeti OPINION

Explainer: Protests in Peru – What Sparked the Outrage?

Peru is currently experiencing widespread political unrest following the ousting of former president Pedro Castillo and the subsequent swearing in of Vice President Dina Boluarte. Protests have erupted across the country, with protesters demanding Boluarte’s resignation and early elections. The events have been driven by the anger and frustration of Peruvians who feel neglected by their political institutions and are united in their rejection of the widely unpopular congress. The situation in Peru highlights the country’s broken political system and the growing divide between the powerful capital, Lima, and the rest of the country.

ISRO’s SSLV D2 Launch: A Success Story

Discover the significance of the SSLV D2 mission for Indian space technology. Find out how ISRO’s new small satellite launch vehicle is paving the way for the future.

How Cloud Computing is Changing the Way We Work

Cloud computing is a method of delivering computing services such as storage, processing power, and software applications over the internet. These services are provided by large data centres, known as cloud providers, which are...