Tagged: Coronavirus

Curfew or Confinement?

The perilous Coronavirus infection made a global appearance with a number of terms and conditions. With the sharp escalation of COVID cases worldwide and the subsequent proclamation of it as a ‘pandemic’ by the...

Coronavirus in a Time of Chimeras

As the global COVID-19 scourge appears to recede, questions remain over the source and morphology of a virus that had locked down two-thirds of humanity over the first half of 2020. It may take...

Dark Days for Women Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The entire world is witnessing the devastation and chaos caused by COVID‑19. The world is witnessing changes in every sphere be it socio, political, economic, health, security, world order etc. The severity of global pandemic continues...

COVID-19: Where “We” Failed?

However tragic it might sounds, Coronavirus has diffused due to follies of some and the indifference of others. It is clear that the world, at this juncture, was not at all ready to combat...