Category: COVID19

If COVID Remains Forever?

When the first case of Covid-19 was registered, no one would have ever thought that it will cover a whole year. The world has entered the year 2021 and still, there are lockdowns and...

QUAD in the Indo-Pacific

The QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) leaders had their first summit-level meeting on 12th March 2021. Leaders of all four member-states had a virtual meeting to discuss the issues of common interest. Combating the Chinese aggression in...

Vaccine Passports: More harm than good?

The first known case of COVID-19 infection emerged around November-December 2019. The disease reached pandemic levels by 2020. Subsequently, the world invested in finding potential vaccines to fight against this virus. The scientists faced...

India Emerges as the Vaccine Powerhouse

With the world’s biggest inoculation drives against COVID-19, manufacturing about 60% of vaccines globally and shipping millions of free doses to friendly neighbours in the region, in what is being described as “vaccine diplomacy”,...