5th India-South Korea FPSD: A Step Forward in Bilateral Relations

The India-Republic of Korea Foreign Policy & Security Dialogue (FPSD) is a forum for the two countries to discuss and exchange views on a wide range of issues related to their bilateral relationship, as well as regional and international matters of mutual concern.

The 5th edition of this dialogue was held on January 16-17, 2023 in Seoul. The dialogue was co-chaired by Saurabh Kumar, Secretary (East) of the Ministry of External Affairs, India, and Cho Hyundong, First Vice Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs South Korea (ROK).

The dialogue is typically held at the level of senior officials from the Ministry of External Affairs of India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea and covers topics such as trade, investment, defence, security, and cultural cooperation. The dialogue serves as an essential platform for the two countries to strengthen their strategic partnership and enhance collaboration on regional and global issues.

During the FPSD, both sides agreed to enhance the India-ROK Special Strategic Partnership by strengthening strategic communication through regular high-level engagements, including the Foreign Minister-level Joint Commission Meeting, “2+2” dialogue involving Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry at Vice Minister/Secretary level, and other ministerial and senior official dialogues. Both countries will celebrate 50 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.

The two sides also agreed to deepen cooperation in areas such as trade and investment, security and defence, science and technology, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Secretary (East) informed the Korean side about the opportunities India offers to Korean companies for investments in manufacturing, infrastructure, and other sectors. They also agreed to work to make global supply chains more resilient and robust and to take concrete steps to realize the vision of taking bilateral trade to $50 billion by 2030.

FPSD provided an opportunity to share perspectives on regional and global issues, including the Korean Peninsula and Indo-Pacific region. The two sides discussed cooperation in multilateral fora, and Secretary (East) briefed the Korean side about the priorities of India during its Presidency of G20.

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