G20 Infrastructure Working Group Concludes Successful Meeting in Pune
The first G20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) meeting under the G20 India Presidency concluded on January 17, 2023, in Pune. The meeting was attended by 64 delegates from 18 member countries, 8 guest countries, and 8 international organizations. Discussions centred around the 2023 Infrastructure Agenda under the Indian G20 Presidency, with a focus on the flagship theme of “Financing Cities of Tomorrow- Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable.”
During the two-day meeting, the IWG also discussed ways to collate data on infrastructure spending and make it useful for the private sector, as well as explored the role of cities in meeting sustainability targets and directing fiscal investments for unlocking private financing for energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable infrastructure.
In addition to the IWG meetings, a High-Level Workshop on “Financing of Cities of Tomorrow” was also held, featuring discussions from over 15 international experts on the issues related to the financing of cities and ways to increase private sector participation.
On the sidelines, the delegates also had the opportunity to experience the rich culture, history, and cuisine of Pune. The second meeting of the IWG is scheduled for March 28-29, 2023 in Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.