Joe Biden wins the Democratic nomination

The Democratic Party finally nominated Joseph R Biden Junior as the presidential candidate on Tuesday as one standing against the incumbent President Donald Trump of the Republican Party. The nomination came on the second day of the virtual convention that was organised by the Democratic Party by way of virtual roll call across the 57 States.

A big day for Biden

After being deprived the chance to assemble at Milwaukee due to the pandemic that has ravaged the American society, the Democrats cast their votes from different locations across the 50 states, American territories.  The Democrats spoke of their aspirations. Virtual roll call was a substitute for the normal method that is generally in place: in personal roll call at the designated venue(in Milwaukee this year). The Democrats from different parts of America declared for their specific territories the number of votes that were cast for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders who was earlier his rival before quitting in March and endorsing Biden.

Just before their roll call former Presidents of the United States Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter delivered messages supporting Mr Biden’s candidacy. Day two of the Democratic convention was also important from the point that new and young leaders were also present. The keynote address was also different from the conventional one as there were video messages from about 50 individuals most of them young leaders.

Continuing with the theme that was introduced by former first lady Michelle Obama who said it is what it is regarding Mr Trump’s ability to run the country, Mr Clinton elaborated on how that phrase even came to being with a reference to an interview of President Trump in early August. Mr Clinton said that when Mr Trump was asked about the rise in the number of deaths and cases of COVID-19, he said that it is what it is. Mr Clinton further added that when a President happens to be denying important facts, appears to be distracted then the only purpose is to entertain. But when the actual crisis is there then it doesn’t work. Mr Clinton in relation to Mr Joe Biden said that the Democratic Party is offering the United States a very different choice: one who goes to work, who is grounded and who knows how to get the job done.

The Right choice

Mr Jimmy Carter spoke in reference to Mr Biden’s experience as a family man, as a widower and also when his son Beau Biden died of cancer in 2015. Mr Carter called Mr Biden as his friend and said that Mr Biden was the perfect as well as the right man for the moment. He also added that Mr Biden perfectly knew that honesty along with dignity determines not only the perspective but also the actions. Former First Lady of United States, Rosalynn Carter, wife of Mr Jimmy Carter also delivered a message. Also present was representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who spoke about Mr Bernie Sanders for about a minute and a half. She spoke about the movement headed by Mr Sanders which was aimed at bringing about a 21st century Revolution with respect to various rights as in social, economic and human and aim to guarantee healthcare, higher education, wages and Labour rights to the Americans.

Others who spoke at the convention included former US secretary of States John Kerry, Caroline Kennedy daughter of former President John F Kennedy and her son, former Republican Secretary of State Staff Colin Powell. Mr Powell in praise of Mr Biden said that with Joe Biden at White House one can never doubt him. The programme ended with an address by Jill Biden, Mr Biden’s wife.


Mr Joe Biden’s nomination is certainly good to his ears especially when he happens to be leading the incumbent President Donald Trump. At the convention, the messages delivered by the former Presidents of the United States were also important as they revealed a great deal of inadequacy they believe that goes hand in hand with Mr Trump. Powell’s address and support that he gave to Biden’s candidacy was also important as it gives licence to anti- Trump conservatives who are wary of him. The Democrats also warned that President Trump poses a threat to the United States and he can’t even help lift an economy by its bootstraps that is reeling under inflation. The nomination of Mr Biden elevates the historical ticket that was given to Kamala Harris who in many aspects is the “first” black woman to be nominated for a national office.

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Airina Kumar

Airina Kumar is a Former Journalism Intern at The Kootneeti's North America Desk

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