Tagged: Cyberspace

Making sense of India’s latest cybersecurity guidelines

On 28 April, the Computer Emergency Response Team-India (CERT-In), the country’s nodal body responsible for cybersecurity, issued new cybersecurity guidelines. From cyberattacks to virtual private networks (VPN), from cryptocurrencies to information and communications technology...

The new threats of technologies in cyberspace

Cyberspace, with its attractive and captivating technologies, is penetrating all elements of society without any resistance among the executive elite and individuals. Due to the empowerment of cyberspace, all the vital infrastructures of the...

Coronavirus, Security, and the Cyber-Order

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The coronavirus crisis represents an opportunity to analyze the concept of security beyond military might. The pandemic, which resembles a form of biological warfare, is being accompanied by incessant cyberattacks, and most countries...

Interview: The Radicalisation of Internet

Internet’s impact on mainstream media, and the way people communicate with one another and disseminate information has become a subject of serious study for journalists, academics and policymakers alike. While it has been a...