494 Search results

For the term "cold war".

What is Arms Race?

An arms race is a competition between two or more countries to develop and acquire the most advanced and powerful weapons systems. Arms races often involve the development and deployment of new technologies, such...

London Bridge has fallen

‘But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king’, with these words king Edward...

NASA ready for second attempt at Artemis lunar launch

Ground teams at Kennedy Space Center prepared on Saturday for a second try at launching NASA’s towering, next-generation moon rocket on its debut flight, hoping to have remedied engineering problems that foiled the initial...

The Complex Conundrum

“These were the acts of a rare leader-one with the imagination to see that a different future was possible and the courage to risk his entire career to achieve it” remarked US President Joe...