Category: Event

[Event] COUNTER EXPO 2022: Women in security

Counter Expo 2022 in a panel discussion carried a discourse on “Women in Security”. Panellists included Gillian Sweny, Sqn. Ld. Priyanka Bhattacharya, Maj Neha Patel, Cynthia Farahat, Srwa Khaleel, Dete Aliah and Amalina Abdul...

[Event] COUNTER EXPO 2022: Student in security

COVINTS in its session named “Student in Security” with Salisbury University, NALSAR (Hyderabad), Symbiosis (Pune), University of Pune and Punjab University had speakers – Dr Brian Polkinghorn, Dr V. Balakista Reddy, Shivani Lawale, Dr....

[Event] Decoding The Union Budget 2022-23

Think India Chandigarh on 5th February 2022 in association with their Media partners The Hindu Cafe and The Kootneeti and under the leadership of Mr Prashant goyal Convener Think India Chandigarh organised a webinar...