Iraq – Before and After Saddam Hussein
The state of Iraq in which shares its borders with Iran in the East, Jordan in the west, Syria in the North-West, Turkey in the North and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the South...
The state of Iraq in which shares its borders with Iran in the East, Jordan in the west, Syria in the North-West, Turkey in the North and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the South...
The state of Iran, unlike most of its Arab neighbours which came into existence solely due to drawing of artificial boundaries, has existed from centuries and is home to one of the oldest and...
The end of the eighteenth century saw threats of a possible Russian invasion hovering over the ‘Jewel of the British Empire’. Britishers with an aim to protect India’s borders launched pre-emptive attacks in their...
The peace of Westphalia which concluded in the year 1648 bought a sweeping set of changes in the western world. It gave birth to the concept of nation-state essentially meaning defining of boundaries of...