494 Search results

For the term "cold war".

Global Scenario and India’s Presidency in G20

On 30th January 2023, India’s first Model G20 summit was organized by the Indian Institute of Democratic Leadership at the Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini’s Uttan campus near Mumbai to celebrate India’s presidency and take the...

India and G20: The Global South Revival

The Group of Twenty, or G20, is an intergovernmental association made up of the European Union and 19 other nations. It strives to address important global profitable enterprises like transnational fiscal stability, reducing greenhouse...

Let Japan defend themselves

It is the time for America to loosen its shackles on Japan to re-militarise and arm by itself. The days of the Pacifist Constitution is over due to broken peace threads among the regional...

Modern Diplomacy in a Complex World

It is generally agreed that modern diplomacy began with the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 which ended the Thirty Years War one of the most destructive conflicts of then-European powers. The peace conference to...