The new threats of technologies in cyberspace

Cyberspace, with its attractive and captivating technologies, is penetrating all elements of society without any resistance among the executive elite and individuals. Due to the empowerment of cyberspace, all the vital infrastructures of the country are being cyber-zoned at high speed in matter, form and purpose. The high speed and reluctance to employ new cyber technologies has led to the formation of challenges and obstacles to the endogenous strength of governance in many parts of the world.
In addition to geographical space, which includes objective and comprehensible structures, virtual space can also be considered in parallel with geographical space and has its own requirements. Cyberspace has opened new windows for the nations of the world as well as governance structures. This space, like geographical space, has provided threats, challenges and opportunities that are the result of the emergence and action of actors in this field, and in particular, can have wider feedback from local or regional dimensions. Acquisition, transfer and use of information require the possession of information technology as well as updating and providing security in it. Although this technology does not exist in the same way in all countries, if we compare the empowering geographical elements with similar examples in the cyber sector, we find that the great powers are strengthening their cyber strategies in line with territorial and geographical strategies.
American hegemony in managing and controlling cyberspace, identifying and overseeing oversight of society’s empowering capabilities, cyber threats and attacks, embracing transnational and transcultural behaviours and lifestyles, engineering and transnational cultural management, and degenerate culture overcoming strategic challenges to Cyber globalization. A proper understanding of the spread of Western domination of cyberspace will be a key basis for orienting cyberspace expansion policies.

In the current situation where the security of cyberspace is very important for different countries, in order to receive opportunities and repel its threats, a comprehensive, up-to-date and dynamic strategy is needed. Having such a strategy also requires understanding cyberspace and the main vulnerabilities of the country in this space. Accordingly, a strategy can be successful if its designers have mastered at least three areas:
1. Deep, nature-oriented, trend-oriented and far-sighted knowledge of cyberspace;
2. Awareness of the main vulnerabilities of the country in the field of cyber and efforts to cover and strengthen them;
3. Familiarity with the types of cyber threats and how to combine threats with vulnerabilities and try to identify and implement solutions to deal with them.
Despite the importance of this issue, the main question is what is the most important vulnerability of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of cyberspace? I believe that considering the past trends and events and the experience of other countries, the complexity and difficulty of recognizing cyberspace, weak public confidence in the government in the field of cyberspace, lack of comprehensive and effective cyber strategy, and not keeping up with the atmosphere of the cyber revolution are among the most important vulnerabilities and challenges of the country in the field of cyber.