The manifestation of Biological Warfare!

The Chinese paper “The unnatural origin of SARS and New Species of Man-made viruses as Genetic Bioweapons,” anticipating that third world war would be a biological war and describing SARS coronaviruses as a new era of genetic weapons that could be artificially manipulated and weaponized in an unprecedented way, has dismantled the smokescreen over conspiracy angle of the pandemic. Contrary to this, “the global times” has repudiated the Chinese conspiracy by quoting Chen Hong, a professor and director of the Australian studies centre at the East China Normal University, who contended that the book (leaked Chinese paper) has presented the academic enquiry of bioterrorism and possible manipulation of viruses as biological weapons. By emphasizing that the 2002 and 2004 SARS epidemic faced by China originated from biological weapons labs abroad, the Chinese state media outlet has contended that there is the only reality that international terrorists were developing contemporary genetic weapons to attack China. World Health Organization, which is still investigating, has already said that it is extremely unlikely that the virus was leaked from the Wuhan virology lab.
But, China’s different actions has unmasked its conspiracy at all. Infection of Covid-19 was already prevailing in China in November 2019. But it has been hidden from global stakeholders including even WHO. After one month, Wuhan Municipal Health Commission has accepted a cluster of cases of pneumonia due to the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. But, simultaneously, Chinese authorities has accused Wenliang of spreading rumours, when he tried to caution all his doctor friends and other peoples about the catastrophic consequences of this virus.
Furthermore, when it became explicit that the virus was spreading from Wuhan to other parts of the Hubei province, China imposed a strict lockdown on January 23, 2020, to cut off people’s venturing from Hubei province to the rest of the country. But at the same time, it had not stopped the international flights connecting the rest of world with Wuhan, a city infected with a deadly virus.

Moreover, China had decoded the genome of the virus on January 2, 2020, but it delayed by a number of weeks from providing the genome and other data to WHO. The delay in the release of the genome obstructed the recognition of the spread of the virus in other countries as well as the global development of test, drugs and vaccines. Consequently, WHO could declare a global emergency on January 30, 2020. In this time gap, the outbreak spread by a factor of 100 to 200 times.
Furthermore, the WHO-led team probing the origin of the pandemic has conducted the reviews between January 14 to February 10, 2021. Which has also requested for raw patient data of the 174 covid-19 cases identified in the early phase of the outbreak in Wuhan in December 2019. But China has not only refused to provide such data but the entire team was also limited to visits organized by Chinese hosts merely and prevented from contacting the community members on the basis of health issues. Chinese authorities have not talked about the “cold chain”, which refers to the trade and transport of frozen food despite the fact that China has been relentlessly arguing that coronavirus has been detected in the Huanan seafood market, where a 57-year-old female shrimp seller Wei was reportedly “patient zero” of covid. But lack of a clear pathway