Key Takeaways From G7 France

(L-R) Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, U.S. President Donald Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson attend a work session during the G7 summit in Biarritz, France, August 26, 2019. Ian Langsdon/Pool via REUTERS

The #G7Biarritz Summit ended two days ago. President Emmanuel Macron wanted this event to be useful – it was. It produced real results. Which decisions were made? Which tangible actions were launched?

Russian Membership

European Union President Donald Tusk reiterated that Kremlin had no place in the G7 league, despite Trump’s eagerness to re-admit Russia. This backs up statements from Britain, France, and Germany earlier this week. Tusk said it would be better to have Ukraine instead of Moscow.

Amazon fires

G7 European states, as well as other EU members such as Spain and Ireland, sparred over whether to block the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement unless Brazilian President Bolsonaro takes forceful action on the wildfires raging in the Amazon and on climate change in general. 


British PM Johnson announced that he would tell US President Trump to pull back from his trade war with China, which is having major repercussions on the global economy. Trump had announced additional duties on Chinese imports a day before he arrived in Biarritz. 

Trump threatened to levy import duties on French wine “like they’ve never seen before” after French President Macron spoke unfavourably about Trump’s trade policies. However, Trump tweeted that their joint lunch was “the best meeting we have yet had.”


Just before the summit, British PM Johnson and EU President Johnson traded barbs over the UK’s exit from the European Union. Tusk said he would not negotiate a no-deal Brexit scenario, and said he hoped Boris did not want to go down in history as “Mr No Deal.”


French President said that the US and France share the same objective on Iran: to prevent it from getting nuclear weapons. Trump took the US out of the Iran nuclear deal in 2018, leaving European signatories scrambling to preserve the pact.  

Protecting the Victims of Sexual Violence

The Global Fund for the Survivor for the conflict-related sexual violence

  • Supports victims suffering physical and psychological Trauma.
  • Will raise funds of $50 Million by 2022.

Supporting Women’s Right

The Biarritz Partnership

  • Compiles 79 laws and best practices that have strengthened Women’s Right around the world.
  • Commits G7 member states to adopting one of these laws as part of their national legislation.

Ensuring Economic Growth Benefits all

The Business for inclusive growth Coalition

  • Brings together around 30 companies committed to financing projects that fight inequality.
  • Will raise funds of $1.15 Billion to finance inclusive projects

Empowering All Women

The initiative supporting Women’s entrepreneurship in Africa

  • Makes it easier for African women wishing to set up companies to get credit.
  • Will release more than $2.6 Billion in funding for 40,000 companies led by Women.

Protecting the biodiversity that our lives depend on

The charter on biodiversity

  • Acknowledges the warning message issued by scientists
  • Commits states to taking actions and jointly stepping up their efforts to protect biodiversity

Limiting Climate Change

The Fast Action on Efficient Cooling initiative

  • Develops greener cooling systems with a view to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by air conditioners.
  • Makes a real contribution to the international goal of limiting Global Warning to 1.5 Degrees Celsius.

Because the Fashion Industry pollutes more than air and maritime transport combined

The Fashion Pact

  • Involves 32 companies representing nearly 30% of the world’s fashion industry.
  • Commits participants to using 100% renewable energy on production sites.
  • promises to eliminate single-use plastic bags by 2030.

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Akshat Verma

Akshat Verma is an Associate Editor at The Kootneeti. His area of interest includes India-Pakistan-China relations and Indian Foreign Policy. He can be reached at || Twitter: @akshat_ver

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