9 MOUs to strengthen bilateral relations by India

The Union Cabinet chaired by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval for signing of the MoU for cooperation in the legal field between India and Morocco, Swaziland, Suriname, Equatorial Guinea & Brunei Darussalam.



1.  MoU on cooperation in the legal field

The MoU will give an opportunity to the Lawyers, Law Officers and law students to discuss issues in the field of law and justice in seminars, symposiums and workshops arranged by authorities of India and Morocco

2. MOU on cooperation in the field of mining and geology

The MoU will provide an institutional mechanism between India and Morocco for cooperation in the field of geology and mining. This cooperation will be mutually beneficial on economic, social and environmental fields in both countries.

The MoU aims to strengthen cooperation between India and Morocco in the field of mining and geology. The activities involved in the cooperation viz. development of geological infrastructure, promotion of mining and geology, training programs and establishment of geological data bank would serve the objective of innovation.



MOU for cooperation in the field of Health and Medicine

The MoU was signed on 9th April 2018.

The MoU covers the following areas of cooperation:-

i) Drugs & Pharmaceutical products;

ii) Medical Consumable products;

iii) Medical Research;

iv) Medical Equipment;

v) Public Health;

vi) Communicable Disease Control & Surveillance;

vii) Health Tourism; and

viii) Any other area of mutual interest.

A Working Group will be set up to further elaborate the details of cooperation and to oversee the implementation of this MoU.



MOU for cooperation in the field of electoral management and administration

This will include exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of organizational and technical development of electoral process; support in exchanging information, institutional strengthening and capacity building, training of personnel, holding regular consultations etc.

The MoU will promote bilateral cooperation, aimed at building technical assistance / capacity support for Suriname envisaging cooperation in the field of electoral management and administration.


Equatorial Guinea

1.  MOU Cooperation in the field of Traditional Systems of Medicine

The MoU was signed on 8th April, 2018.

The MoU will enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the areas of Traditional Systems of Medicine.

The financial resources necessary to conduct research, training courses, conferences/ meetings and deputations of experts will be met from the existing allocated budget and existing plan schemes of Ministry of AYUSH.


The Traditional Systems of Medicine in India are well organized, codified and well documented comprised of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy. These systems hold tremendous potential in the global health scenario. The Ministry of AYUSH having the mandate to promote, propagate and globalize these Traditional Systems has taken effective steps by entering into MoU with Malaysia,Trinidad & Tobago, Hungry, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mauritius, Mongolia, Iran and Sao Tome & Principe for cooperation in the field of Traditional Medicine.


2. MoU on Cooperation in the field of Medicinal Plants

The MoU will further enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the area of Medicinal Plants.

The financial resources necessary to conduct research, training courses, conferences / meetings will be met from the existing allocated budget and existing plan schemes of the National Medicinal Plants Board, Ministry of AYUSH.


India is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of biodiversity, having 15 agro-climatic zones. Out of the 17000-18000 species of flowering plants, more than 7000 are estimated to have medicinal usage in folk and documented systems of medicine like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Homoeopathy (AYUSH System of Medicine). About 1178 species of medicinal plants are estimated to be in trade of which 242 species have annual consumption levels in excess of 100 metric tonnes/year. Medicinal plants are not only a major resource base for the traditional medicine & herbal industry but also provide livelihood and health security to a large segment of Indian population. There is global resurgence in traditional and alternative health care systems resulting in world herbal trade which stands at US$ 120 billion and is expected to reach US$ 7 trillion by 2050. Moreover, there are a large number of medicinal plants, particularly those found in tropical region, which are common to the two countries given similar geo-climatic factors.




(MoU) on cooperation in Traditional Systems of Medicine of India

It will lead to promotion and propagation of Traditional Systems of Medicines of India in Colombia.

As a consequence of this MoU, exchange of experts for training the practitioners, conducting collaborative research in Traditional Systems of Medicine is expected to lead to new innovations in drug development and traditional medical practice.


Brunei Darussalam

MOU on cooperation in the Exchange of Information and Assistance in Collection with respect to Taxes


  1. The Agreement enables the competent authorities of India and Brunei Darussalam to provide assistance through exchange of information that is foreseeably relevant to the administration and enforcement of the domestic laws of the two countries concerning taxes covered by this Agreement.
  1. The information received under the Agreement shall be treated as confidential and may be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts or administrative bodies) concerned with assessment, collection, enforcement, prosecution or determination of appeals in relation to taxes covered under the Agreement. Information may be disclosed to any other person or entity or authority or jurisdiction with the prior written consent of the information sending country.
  2. The Agreement also provides for automatic exchange of information between India and Brunei with respect to categories of cases.
  3. The Agreement also enables assistance in collection of tax revenue claims between both countries.
  4. The Agreement provides for Mutual Agreement Procedure for resolving any difference or for agreeing on procedures under the Agreement.
  5. The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of notification of completion of the procedures required by the respective laws of the two countries for entry into force of the Agreement.

The Agreement will stimulate the flow of exchange of information between India and Brunei for tax purposes which will help curb tax evasion and tax avoidance. It will also enable assistance in collection of tax revenue claims between both countries.

As such, the Agreement does not have any financial implications. Only in the event of extraordinary costs exceeding USD 500 as per Article 9 of the Agreement, the same will be borne by the Government of India. India has similar provisions in other such tax information exchange agreements.


The Central Government is authorized under section 90 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to enter into an Agreement with a foreign country or specified territory for exchange of information for the prevention of evasion or avoidance of income tax chargeable under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Negotiations for entering into an Agreement for the Exchange of Information with respect to Taxes were conducted at Brunei from 10th  to 11th January, 2017.  Pursuant to the same, the Governments of India and Brunei Darussalam have agreed on the text of the Agreement.

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