Syrian Ambassador to UN: Misleading campaigns against Syrian government aim at rescuing terrorists

Syrian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Hussam Eddin Ala, stated that “the wrong accusations against the Syrian government, who is combating terrorism and protecting its citizens from war crimes of the terrorist groups, aimed at rescuing and protecting terrorist groups in order to continue using them against the Syrian state and its people”.

Syrian envoy further, added in a speech during the plenary session of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on Wednesday that:

“The Syrian state is confronting terrorism and defending its citizens from terror crimes. It has taken all actions to ensure the safety of civilians and has allocated safe passage for their exit and provided them with full needs. In contrary, Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies of terrorist organizations continue to shell indiscriminately the city of Damascus and the safe corridor designated for the exit of civilians from Eastern Ghouta and prevent them from leaving the area.”

He emphasized that this truth affirms what we have always said that ending the humanitarian suffering of the Syrians won’t be realized through meetings and symposiums or through politicized decisions, but it requires the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions which stressed the cessation of support and funding for terrorism and the initiative to immediately lift the unilateral coercive measures targeting the Syrian people as the core of the crisis and its main cause.”

“We have heard speeches that cry the Syrians in Ghouta, but those same people did not care about the suffering of the victims of the indiscriminate attacks on Damascus. We have heard from those who demanded the implementation of UNSC’s resolutions and the cessation of what they called hell on the ground in Ghouta,” the Ambassador said.

He continued to say that those same people failed to demand an end to the illegal US-led coalition, to respect Syrian sovereignty, to stop the hell of the US raids that destroyed the whole Raqqa city and committed massacres against civilians as they remained silent about the Turkish aggression on the Syrian territory and the massacres committed by the invading Turkish forces and their mercenaries against civilians in the city of Afrin and their endeavor to impose a siege on more than 1 million residents in the region.”


The Different aspects of Western & Non-western Media on the Deadliest Bombardment of Ghouta


The Kootneeti Team - Middle East Monitor

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