Tagged: Sustainable Development Goals

Understanding Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a concept that refers to the idea of meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a holistic approach...

‘Throwaway economy’ thwarting climate goals: report

Countries are neglecting the massive impact of the “throwaway” economy on planet-warming emissions, according to research published Wednesday that calculated more than half a trillion tonnes of virgin materials have been consumed since the...

Building Sustainable Cities

Is there a need to reinvent, redesign and rebuild our cities for sustainability, resilience, and happiness? Last year, India achieved the milestone of becoming the world’s fifth-largest economy in terms of nominal GDP and...

Sustainable Fashion: An Ethical Future Ahead?

Fashion is one of the most polluting industries and one of the most influential one. Currently, total greenhouse gas emissions from textiles production, at 1.2 billion tonnes annually, are more than those of all...