Tagged: Artificial Intelligence
China has been investing heavily in building its global media presence, particularly through state-backed media outlets such as Xinhua, China Daily, and China Global Television Network, or CGTN. These media outlets are no longer...
Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is the ongoing trend of automating and digitizing the manufacturing and production processes across various industries. It involves the integration of advanced technologies like the...
It can play a much emancipatory role in building a more just and equitable society. Last month, the Government of India organized a virtual Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) summit, RAISE 2020 (Responsible AI for...
Increasing trust in and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are necessary ingredients for economic growth and the fuel for future innovations that can benefit society as a whole. In this complex context which stimulates...
Throughout most of the human evolution, both progress and its horizontal transmission was an extremely slow, occasional and tedious process. Well into the classic period of Alexander the Macedonian and his glorious Library of...
Military robots have always been pretty dumb. The PackBot the US Army uses for inspections and bomb disposal, for example, has practically no onboard intelligence and is piloted by remote control. What the Army...
Telangana, the newest state in India also happens to have a Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of well over 15%. What is commendable, is the balance which it has struck between urban aspirations and...
AI and Naval warfare? Autonomous weapon considered as the future for the Military industry. Over the past decade, the accelerated development of new technologies in warfare, specifically robotic weapons including unmanned drones and autonomous...
Two Artificial Intelligence-driven Internet paradigms may emerge in the near future. One will be based on logic, smart enterprises and human merit while the other may morph into an Orwellian control tool. Even former...