Author: Dr Sanjay Badri-Maharaj

India-Pakistan Tensions: Questions on the table

Against the backdrop of post-Pulwama India-Pakistan tensions, Sanjay Badri-Maharaj answers the important questions which cover aspects from the possibilities of a full-fledged war and India’s counterterrorism strategy. After the Preemptive strike by IAF on...

Venezuela’s Crisis reaches a Crescendo

President Maduro’s second-term inauguration on 10 January 2019, has pushed Venezuela’s ongoing political crisis to a new level. In a surprising move, the President of the National Assembly, Juan Gerardo Guaidó Márquez began establishing...

Book Synopsis: Indian Nuclear Strategy

Confronting the Potential Threat from both China and Pakistan Twenty years after the 1998 nuclear tests and the publication of India’s Nuclear Doctrine, India has continued to face endemic security challenges from both China...