Group of 15
The Group of 15 (G-15) is a forum of developing countries that seeks to promote cooperation and strengthen economic and technical cooperation among its member countries. The G-15 was established in 1989 and is composed of 18 member countries from Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
The G-15 member countries are: Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
It operates through regular meetings of member countries and through various working groups and committees. It focuses on a range of issues, including economic development, trade, agriculture, and finance. The G-15 also works to promote the interests of developing countries in international forums and to foster cooperation among its member countries.
While the G-15 has faced criticism in the past for its lack of progress on certain issues and for its limited impact on the global stage, it has also achieved a number of successes and has contributed to the development of its member countries.
While the G-15 may not have achieved all of the goals that it set out to accomplish, it remains an important forum for developing countries and continues to play a significant role in promoting cooperation and strengthening economic and technical cooperation among its member countries.