[Webinar] Personal is political: Uncertain future of women rights under Taliban rule

The Kootneeti invites to an expert panel session titled “Personal is political: Uncertain future of women rights under Taliban rule”

Date: Friday, 22nd October

Time: 17:00 IST


  • Rita Manchanda: Feminist security studies scholar
  • Saleem Javed: Human Rights Activist
  • Dewa: An Afghan student in India

Moderated by Kavita Sewda, Research Associate at The Kootneeti

Register for the webinar here: https://forms.gle/U1RAwGKg5GQb6qUe7

For more details, contact: team@thekootneeti.com

The Kootneeti Team

This report has been written by The Kootneeti Team. For any feedbacks/query reach Editor@thekootneeti.com || Twitter: @TheKootneeti

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