“When India grows, the world grows. When India reforms, the world transforms”

PM Modi represents India at the 76th Session of the UNGA
“A little boy who used to sell tea at a railway station is now addressing the UNGA for the fourth time today” – On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a four-day visit to the United States, delivered a passionate address to the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). This was Prime Minister Modi’s first UNGA address in person since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Besides PM Modi, at least 109 heads of state and government are addressing the UNGA in person, with 60 more addressing the UNGA via pre-recorded video statements. The session’s theme is “building resilience through hope: to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people, and revitalise the United Nations.”
In his opening remarks to the UNGA, Prime Minister Modi spoke of the COVID-19 pandemic, which the world has been dealing with for the past 1.5 years, and went on to pay tribute to those who have departed and express his condolences to their families.
Emphasizing that he represents the country known as the “Mother of Democracy,” he stated, “Democracy is India’s tradition,” and went on to substantiate his statement with his example. “An example of India’s democracy is that a child who used to help his father at the tea stall is addressing the United Nations General Assembly for the fourth time,” he remarked, adding, “Yes, democracy can deliver… Yes, democracy has delivered.”
PM Modi emphasised that Antyodahya is the motherland where no one is left behind, and he added, “With the same sentiment, India is moving forward in integrated, equitable development.” After describing the country’s definition of development, India’s Prime Minister went on to list the country’s accomplishments, saying, “India has made homeless homeowners, India has been carrying out a large campaign to solve the issue of drinking water, and ensuring clean water reaches 170 million homes.” He said, “When India grows, the world will grow. When India reforms, the world transforms.”
In his speech, Prime Minister Modi addressed the topic of vaccines. When discussing India’s domestic successes, he emphasised that the country’s vaccine platform, Co-WIN, provides digital assistance for access to millions of vaccine doses every day. In terms of vaccine manufacturing and development, PM Modi stated that India has made every effort to develop and manufacture vaccinations for adults as well as children aged 12 to 18. “India is also working on nasal vaccinations,” he added.
“Today, I extend an invitation to vaccine makers to come and manufacture vaccines in India,” PM Modi said, after announcing that India had resumed vaccine exports to needy countries. “Irrespective of which country requires vaccines, our democratic ideals drive Indian doctors, scientists, and engineers to continue serving mankind,” he stated, emphasising that the COVID scenario has taught global resource redistribution.
India’s Prime Minister also stated that regressive thinking and extremism are on the rise, emphasising the importance of making progressive thinking the foundation of development in this situation. Having said that, he announced that to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, India will launch 75 satellites into space built by Indian students.
Without naming Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sending a Strong Message Against Extremism and Expansionism said at the United Nations General Assembly that any country that supports terrorism as a political tool must recognise that it will suffer from the same instrument that it is inflicting on others. On Afghanistan, Prime Minister Modi said, “Afghanistan’s situation is delicate, and the country’s women, children, and minorities require aid”. He stated that it is “critical to ensuring that Afghanistan’s territory is not exploited to spread terrorism”. The Prime Minister also encouraged Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers to come to India and produce their vaccines.
Earlier in the day, India’s First Secretary Sneha Dubey told the United Nations General Assembly that the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were, are, and will always be an integral and inalienable part of India. “This includes regions that are illegally occupied by Pakistan. “We demand that Pakistan immediately withdraw from all regions under its illegal occupation,” she added.
PM Modi urged the UN to undertake the “right action at the right time,” citing Chanakya. “The UN must strengthen its effectiveness and reliability,” the PM stated, emphasising that the UN is currently dealing with a number of difficulties. “We’ve seen it with Climate Change, COVID, and terrorism, and the Afghanistan issue has exposed it even more,” he remarked. PM Modi completed his speech with a famous Rabindranath Tagore quote: “Move ahead fearlessly on your path. May you overcome all weakness and doubt.”