US President Joe Biden’s Meeting with UK Prime Minister Johnson

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks with Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as they look at historical documents and artefacts relating to the Atlantic Charter during their meeting, at Carbis Bay Hotel, Carbis Bay, Cornwall, Britain June 10, 2021. REUTERS/Toby Melville/Pool/Files

President Biden of the United States met Australian Prime Minister Morrison on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York on Tuesday and received British Prime Minister Johnson in the Oval Office later that evening in Washington. President Joe Biden will also host the first-ever in-person summit of leaders from the “QUAD” countries – Australia, India, Japan, and the United States – who have tried to strengthen cooperation to counter China’s growing aggression.

At the White House on the 21st, President Biden met with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom. This summit reaffirmed the strong link between the United States and the United Kingdom, as the leaders pledged to continue collaborating to realise the vision outlined in the Atlantic Charter. During the Oval Office discussion, they aimed at highlighting the US-UK partnership, the two leaders talked about the dangers of climate change and the pleasures of rail travel. They reviewed their cooperation on common global challenges, such as building consensus for action to address the climate crisis, promoting global health security, defending democracy and human rights, and developing a more inclusive economic future for all countries.

The leaders also reviewed our continued efforts in Afghanistan, developments in the Indo-Pacific, and the crucial role of European allies and partners in the region, including NATO and the EU. They also spoke about Northern Ireland, and President Biden restated his long-standing support for a secure and prosperous Northern Ireland in which all communities have a say and benefit from the hard-won peace.

Vice President Kamala Harris met with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom to convey her appreciation for the special friendship and shared values between the United States and the United Kingdom. Vice President Harris and Prime Minister Johnson discussed a wide range of current global challenges and opportunities. They expressed their shared desire to continue to strengthen the relationship and expand economic cooperation, as well as our cooperation in areas such as global health, girls’ education, and the environment.

The Vice President thanked Prime Minister Johnson for the UK’s contributions and sacrifice over two decades in Afghanistan and its leadership in combatting climate change. As part of the discussion on actions needed to address the climate crisis, the Vice President highlighted the President’s recent announcement to seek Congressional support to double the United States’ previous commitment to public international climate finance. They also discussed the need for more coordinated international efforts to address the root causes of migration.

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Anshuman Hazarika

Anshuman Hazarika is an Intern at The Kootneeti

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