The G7 summit of world leaders ended in chaos | Trump called Trudeau dishonest

Trump leaves for North Korea for the one of the most important and remarkable meetings of this decade.

Somewhere in the air on Air Force One headed for his North Korean summit with Kim Jong Un, Trump clearly took offence to comments made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who let the president have it at his own news conference closing the event.

Trudeau repeated his remarks he found the U.S. decision to impose tariffs on Canadian aluminium and steel by invoking reasons of national security “insulting” to all Canadians.

Reacting to Trump’s comments earlier in the day when he said it would be a mistake for countries like Canada to impose counter tariffs, Trudeau revved the throttle.

Calling PM Trudeau ‘Very dishonest & weak’ created buzz all around with mixed reactions.

“The president will continue to say what he says,” an unfrazzled Trudeau said. “I have made it clear to the president that it (imposing counter tariffs) is not something we relish doing, but it’s something that we absolutely will do.

“Canadians are polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around.”

Trump’s reply, using his favourite mouthpiece that is Twitter, was blistering, saying he has instructed U.S. representatives at the summit to remove their support for the communique that had only just been released by summit officials.

Trump’s behaviour, which confirms his known unpredictable nature, sent a shock wave through the summit. It landed as the other leaders have all left and workers were packing up at Quebec’s convention centre that was the summit media centre.

The summit ended like it started. Trump arrived mired in controversy and bluster and he left the same way.

After arriving late for the event Friday, he left early, boarding Air Force One parked at CFB Bagotville on Saturday morning, bound for Singapore after spending less than 24 hours on Canadian soil at the G7 summit.


Source: Twitter, Montreal Gazette
Zachary Ballif
The Kootneeti North America Team 


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