What is the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF)?

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is a multilateral counterterrorism platform that was established in 2011 as a partnership of 29 countries and the European Union. The GCTF aims to promote international cooperation in countering terrorism and to strengthen the global architecture for counterterrorism. The GCTF seeks to provide a platform for countries to share their experiences and best practices in preventing and countering terrorism, and to develop practical initiatives and tools to address key challenges in the field.

The GCTF is not a formal part of the United Nations, but it works closely with the UN and other international organizations to promote cooperation in counterterrorism. The GCTF’s activities include organizing expert meetings, conducting research and analysis, providing technical assistance and capacity building, and developing practical tools and guidance on counterterrorism issues. The GCTF’s work is organized around a number of working groups, which focus on specific areas such as countering violent extremism, criminal justice and rule of law, and capacity building.

The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is a voluntary, informal platform that brings together various countries and organizations to enhance global cooperation and coordination in countering terrorism. The GCTF is funded through voluntary contributions by its member countries and other partners.

The GCTF is overseen by a Steering Committee that includes representatives from its member countries and the European Union, and it is supported by a small Secretariat based in New York and Abu Dhabi. The GCTF’s activities are organized around a number of working groups, which are led by its member countries and focus on specific areas such as countering violent extremism, rule of law and criminal justice, and capacity building.

The GCTF’s activities include organizing expert meetings, conducting research and analysis, providing technical assistance and capacity building, and developing practical tools and guidance on counterterrorism issues. The GCTF also collaborates closely with other international organizations such as the United Nations, the European Union, and Interpol to promote cooperation in counterterrorism.

In addition to its working groups, the GCTF has also launched several initiatives and programs to address key challenges in the field of counterterrorism. For example, the GCTF’s Hedayah Center of Excellence, based in Abu Dhabi, provides training, research, and technical assistance on countering violent extremism, and the GCTF’s Initiative on Addressing the Life Cycle of Radicalization to Violence aims to identify and address the various factors that contribute to radicalization and terrorism.

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