The war of words continue between Iran and the United States of America

File Photo/Catch News
The Iranian nuclear deal which was considered to be one of the biggest diplomatic achievements under Obama’s Presidentship was dismantled by Donald Trump. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) was a two year long initiative by Iran and the United Nations Security Council’s p5+1 members which aimed at maintaining the ‘world peace’ order by lifting the numerous sanction on Iran, whilst getting hold of all the country’s nuclear programmes. But the recent turn of events had changed the game in Tehran, with the country filing a lawsuit against the United States of America in the International Court of Justice.
The United States withdrew from the landmark deal of 2015, in May 2018 asserting that the country would not be a part of something which could possibly be ‘Death for America’. The close allies of the United States also had expressed their concern over the decision and that a decision of such grave importance has to be taken as per the commitments of the deal. However, Israel has expressed its content in the decision. The withdrawal led to serious tensions between the countries and Iran was pushed to follow sanctions and pressure from the United States. The threats received by the Iranian government to halt its own oil exports led to outrage in the Iranian Parliament when burning of the US flag was witnessed. The Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani made a worldwide declaration on Sunday stating that “peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with Iran is the mother of all war.” The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei supported Rouhani and further made a suggestion of blocking all Gulf oil exports if its own exports were to be threatened by the US.
After the news had reached the States, Donald Trump took up his way of communicating and posted on Twitter, saying that threatening the United States could lead to a war in Iran which history has never known of.
Source: Reuters
*Arijita Sinha Roy is a Research Intern at The Kootneeti